Tuesday, January 24, 2012

And we're rolling...again.

It's that time again--another movie review post! I'm going to dive right in:

The Tourist

I didn't get this one. And that doesn't mean I didn't get the storyline--because I did--but I didn't understand why this movie came to be in the first place. The plot was a bit too far fetched to be that cool, and although I love Johnny Depp, he had absolutely no chemistry with Angelina Jolie. What a weird couple...and lukewarm action comedy.

Super 8

I liked this one quite a bit. Did you like the Goonies growing up? You'll probably like this one. It has that same feel, and while it is a bit goofy during the sentimental parts, it just makes you feel good. Plus, the special effects lend to being a little jumpy--but not too freaked out, which is excellent.


Maybe I didn't give this one a fair shot, since I was feeling really sick and headachey when I watched it. However, I didn't make it halfway through. It's not that it was bad, really...just boring. Kudos to John Malkovich, though, as his character was pretty decent.


Want a movie to make you feel even worse about life and more freaked out about your own illness? Watch Contagion. In all fairness, I was in a crappy mood while I watched this one as well, and it's not exactly slated as a pick-me-up. I will say this: I enjoyed the way it was put together, I felt they brought in some good developments and I thought the ending was powerful and poignant. (Is it bad that I'm still partial to Outbreak, though?)


So I don't watch a lot of rated-R movies. My personal choice is that I have to think the movie merits overlooking the crassness in the film. That being said, and although there were a few minor sketchy scenes and a ton of language, I thought this movie was worth it. The story was and is an important one, and I thought they portrayed it well. Gripping...and hauntingly sad as well. Good job, Chris Evans. Although, if you want to see an actor really go through withdrawl symptoms in a horribly realistic way, watch The Basketball Diaries. Leonardo Dicaprio was amazing. And yes, he actually is a good actor--once you take away that horrible role he had in Titanic.

Mr. Popper's Penguins

Even as I rented this, I thought it was a mistake. I think the only reason I watched it the entire way through was because of the penguins. I remain firm on my stance that with a penguin and a basset hound, I'd be set. This movie, however, was trite, obvious and ...just not very good. It's like Jim Carey is suspended between his Ace Ventura days and his breakthrough roles like in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or Man on the Moon. It's just not believable, and makes you wonder why you should care.

Just Go With It

I actually was quite pleasantly surprised at how much I liked this movie. Was it like all the other Adam Sandler romantic comedies? Yes. Were the jokes just the same? Of course. But I can't help it. I still laugh at his humor. And the love story that developed was cute. Sure, you could pretty much replace it with 50 First Dates. But I like that one as well, so I don't mind.

Chasing Liberty

I had this one in a four-pack I bought awhile ago and for some reason, thought I watched it. I swear there is another movie out there that is very similar with Katie Holmes. But anyway. What can I say about this movie? It was your typical "no way would that ever happen yet I'm going to fall for it in the end because he's cute and I want life to be perfect" sort of movie. And that's that.

I'm stoked because my law professor is going to lend me some seasons of Numbers to watch, since I'm running out of excitement for movies. I've also been going through my Big Bang Theory seasons and Burn Notice as well...and I decided that Parks and Recreation is my new favorite comedy, along with New Girl.

Maybe I should work harder on sleeping.

What do you all think? Any of these you loved? Hated? Recommendations?

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